Install Phaser Editor 2D All-in-One

The Phaser Editor 2D All-in-One distribution wraps Phaser Editor 2D Core in an ElectronJS application. It works like common desktop applications, and allows opening multiple projects and windows. It also provides project templates for creating new projects.

Each platform has a different way to run and “install” Phaser Editor 2D All-in-One.

Windows installation

Download the file PhaserEditor2D-allInOne-<version> from the downloads page, unzip it, and run the file PhaserEditor2D.exe. If you like, you can pin it in the taskbar, and the next time you can launch it by clicking on the taskbar icon.

The resources\app\server folder contains the Phaser Editor 2D Core binaries. You can run it alone if you wish.

macOS installation

Download the file PhaserEditor2D-allInOne-<version>, unzip it, and run the application PhaserEditor2D (it is a folder). The first time you run it, you should right-click on it and select the Open option.

To install it in the system, you can move the PhaserEditor2D application to the Applications folder.

The Phaser Editor 2D Core binaries are included in the folder. You can run it alone if you wish.

Linux installation

Download the file PhaserEditor2D-allInOne-<version> and unzip it. Open the terminal and run the PhaserEditor2D file:

$ ./PhaserEditor2D

However, we recommend creating a shortcut in the desktop and a menu entry in the Desktop Environment. To do this, execute the script

$ ./

And to remove the shortcuts:

$ ./

In both cases, you don’t have to provide root privileges.

The Phaser Editor 2D Core binaries are in the resources/app/server folder. You can run it alone.