
The Shape objects are geometric-based display objects. You can add them to a Scene, a Container or a Group.

All Shape objects extends the Phaser.GameObjects.Shape class and share these common properties:

But they have the following properties:

Shape properties.
  • Is Filled: Controls if this Shape is filled or not. Note that some Shapes do not support being filled (such as Line shapes).

  • Fill Color: The fill color used by this Shape.

  • Fill Alpha: The fill alpha value used by this Shape.

  • Is Stroked: Controls if this Shape is stroked or not. Note that some Shapes do not support being stroked (such as Iso Box shapes).

  • Stroke Color: The stroke color used by this Shape.

  • Stroke Alpha: The stroke alpha value used by this Shape.

  • Line Width: The stroke line width used by this Shape.